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14 Results
  • Green Basics

    Video: How to Hang Airtight Drywall (1 of 3)

    Myron Ferguson shows how drywall can make your house more energy efficient when installed with caulk, canned foam, gaskets, and airtight electrical boxes

  • Green Basics

    Supply Ventilation

    Supply Ventilation Pressurizes the House

  • Green Basics

    Environments for Living

    A Rating System Based on Performance Rather Than Points

  • Green Basics

    Exhaust Ventilation

    Exhaust Ventilation Systems Are Simple and DependableUPDATED March 1, 2014

  • Green Basics

    Air Barriers

    An Air Barrier Is an Essential Part of the Building Envelope

  • Green Basics

    Ventilation Choices: Three Ways to Keep Indoor Air Fresh

    Every House Needs Fresh Air

  • Green Basics

    Water Heating

    UPDATED 04/05/2012Tank or Tankless: Reduce the Load to Lower Water Heating Costs

  • Green Basics


    First Goal for Electrical Use: Cut Consumption

  • Green Basics


    The Highest Efficiency Rating Is Found in Condensing Furnaces

  • Green Basics

    LEED for Homes

    USGBC's Residential Green Building Program is Born