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119 Results
  • Green Basics


    The Highest Efficiency Rating Is Found in Condensing Furnaces

  • Green Basics

    Ductless Minisplit Heat Pumps

    Heating and Cooling Without Central Ducts

  • Green Basics

    Heat Distribution

    Forced Air and Hydronic: Ducts, Pipes, and Tubes Should Be Short and Leak-free

  • Green Basics

    Forced Air HVAC Systems

    Keep Air Ducts Short, Direct, and Inside the Conditioned Space

  • Green Basics

    Balanced Ventilation

    UPDATED on March 13, 2015Balanced Ventilation Is Appropriate for All Climates

  • Green Basics

    Green Heating Options

    Green Heating Systems Can Heat the House and Its Water

  • Green Basics

    Heat Pumps: The Basics

    Heat Pumps Use Heat in the Air, Earth, or Water to Heat a House

  • Green Basics

    Remodel Project: Deep Energy Retrofit

    Insulation, Air Sealing, & HVAC Offer Chances to Slash Energy Bills

  • Green Basics

    Remodel Project: Weatherization

    Air sealing, insulation improvements, and equipment upgrades save energy dollars

  • Green Basics

    Air Conditioning

    For Central Systems, Look for High SEER ScoreUPDATED 5/30/2012