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34 Results
  • Green Basics

    Passive House video — Episode 2

    Watch “Airtight Mudsills,” the second episode in a series of videos on the theory, design, and construction of a Passive House in ­Falmouth, Massachusetts

  • Green Basics

    Passive House Video — Episode 1

    Watch “Passive House Design,” the first episode in a 5-part video series on the theory, design, and construction of a Passive House. To see the entire series, click here to become a GBA Prime member.

  • Green Basics

    Passive House video — Episode 5

    In “Installing High-Performance Windows,” the fifth episode in a series of videos on a Passivhaus project, the crew installs triple-glazed Makrowin windows from Slovakia

  • Green Basics

    Siting with the Sun: Passive Heating and Daylighting

    Design Around the Sun to Lower Heating and Lighting Needs

  • Green Basics

    Passive House video — Episode 3

    In “Superinsulated Slab,” the third episode in a series of videos on Passivhaus construction, the crew installs 10 inches of rigid foam. After the concrete was placed, more rigid foam was installed above the slab. The finished floor assembly is rated at R-50.

  • Green Basics

    Passive House video — Episode 4

    In “Framing for Efficiency,” the fourth episode in a series of videos on Passivhaus construction, the framing crew erects double-stud walls

  • Green Basics

    Solar Heat

    Solar Collectors Can Heat Water and Living SpacesUPDATED 9/29/2011

  • Green Basics

    How to Replace an Old Entry Door

    Best Practices for Installing a New Entry Door: Replacing a weathered or inefficient entry door can have a great impact on the comfort, appearance and value of a home.

  • Green Basics

    Exhaust Ventilation

    Exhaust Ventilation Systems Are Simple and DependableUPDATED March 1, 2014

  • Green Basics

    Green Heating Options

    Green Heating Systems Can Heat the House and Its Water