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91 Results
  • Green Homes

    The Colorado Chautauqua Cottages

    There really is no greater remodeling challenge than green historic preservation. After a 25-year career in East-coast remodeling and then Colorado production homebuilding, Jeff Medanich is tying together all this…

  • Green Homes

    Green Neighborhood in North Carolina

    #Twenty-two homes in a cluster made for walking Eno Commons takes the idea of green homebuilding to another level — the community level. The Durham, North Carolina, project includes 22…

  • Green Homes

    Historic Texas Bungalow Gets a Green Renovation

    This green restoration of a 1928 bungalow in downtown Austin was the first historic project to be rated by Austin Energy Green Building. While the aspects of green building are…

  • Green Homes

    Atlanta Historic Retrofit

    Honoring an amazing 100-year context

  • Green Homes

    California Retrofit Measures Cut Energy Use by 45%

    With help from the local utility, a California builder has turned a foreclosed property into a cutting-edge energy-efficient demonstration home. The Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), the sixth-largest public utility…

  • Green Homes

    Michigan’s First LEED Platinum Gut-Rehab

    Doug Selby of Meadowlark Builders and Michael Klement of Architectural Resource are experienced at energy-efficient remodeling. Working as a team, Selby and Klement were the first in Michigan to grab…

  • Green Homes

    Greening the HOME Rochester Program

    How HOME Rochester works The HOME Rochester Program acquires vacant single-family homes in Rochester NY, typically foreclosures, and rehabilitates them for resale to qualifying first-time homebuyers earning less than 80%…

  • Green Homes

    The First U.S. Passive House Shows That Energy Efficiency Can Be Affordable

    #Relatively Small Investments Can Add up to Big Gains with the Right Design Strategies With R-60 insulation and a south-facing wall punctuated by triple-glazed windows, this Passivhaus home stays comfortable…

  • Green Homes

    A Net-Zero Townhouse in Oakland

    Not many projects achieve HERS 0, especially on a small urban infill site. But that's the score achieved by the Lancaster Live/Work Townhome, a recently completed (Fall 2009) project in…

  • Green Homes

    NC Home Grabs Five Green Ratings

    UPDATED 2/23/2011 with floor plans, details, and an energy use graph Although I’ve been building green homes for 30 years, I joined the certification game only five years ago. I’ve…