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51 Results
  • Green Homes

    This Green Garage is a Powerhouse

    By Thomas McGrath With help from a photovoltaic (PV) array, this garage in Chicago’s Bucktown neighborhood produces far more energy than it consumes. Made from durable green materials, the garage…

  • Green Homes

    Green Backyard Office: Repurposing a Century-Old Garage

    When we purchased our circa-1896 farmhouse in 1994, one of the main attractions was the old garage. We quickly replaced its failing asphalt roof with new cedar shingles in 1995,…

  • Green Homes

    A Builder’s Home, Done Right

    Starting with stock plans, a builder prioritized envelope details and made modifications to fit his family and their future

  • Green Homes

    A Low-Slope Roof in a Cold Climate

    An energy-efficient build on a lean budget uses methods and materials unconventional for the region

  • Green Homes

    Sustainable Spec House in Coastal Maine Grabs LEED’s Highest Rating

    The LEED for Homes pilot program was just getting started when Wright-Ryan Construction decided to build a spec house as a sort of green-building immersion course for its staff.

  • Green Homes

    Green Landscape Manages Stormwater and Creates Curb Appeal

    When selecting a home, first impressions are the most important factor, after price and location. With this in mind, owner/contractor Mike Guertin took extra care to landscape his spec remodel…

  • Green Homes

    Energy-Efficient Straw-bale Home in the Colorado Rockies

    By Doug Graybeal Our house is located outside of Carbondale, Colo., at an altitude of 7,000 feet. The architecture is both responsive to the climate — a dry mountain environment…

  • Green Homes

    Retreat in North Atlantic Seeks Energy Independence

    #A Study in the Efficient Use of Natural Resources Perched on a coastal peninsula near Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, this contemporary home is used mostly as a summer residence, but with…

  • Green Homes

    A Passive Solar Home from the 1980s

    Back in the early 1980s, I built a 1,480-square-foot passive solar home in Boulder, Colorado. There have been substantial improvements in active solar equipment since then. But today’s passive solar…

  • Green Homes

    Affordable Green Remodel of a California Bungalow

    An appreciation of historical houses and a desire to be in a family oriented neighborhood with plenty of walkable and bikeable amenities led Jennifer and Alex to make this 1930s…