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23 Results
  • Green Homes

    The Fruits of Labor: Gut-Rehabbing the Structure and the Lot

    When Dan Cote bought this run-down property on Woodstock Avenue in Portland, he wanted to take everything he had learned about high-performance building and building science from his day job…

  • Green Homes

    A Durable Deck Ties This Home to the Landscape

    The large, wraparound deck not only creates a nice bridge between the house and back yard, it helps balance the entire house on the property. The eastern exposure is elevated…

  • Green Homes

    NC Home Grabs Five Green Ratings

    UPDATED 2/23/2011 with floor plans, details, and an energy use graph Although I’ve been building green homes for 30 years, I joined the certification game only five years ago. I’ve…

  • Green Homes

    Teenagers Build an Affordable LEED Platinum Home

    Betsy Pettit, GBA advisor and consultant to this project, points out that we’re in a dynamic time. “Push the envelope,” she remarks, “because what’s new now will be normal sooner…

  • Green Homes

    Brand New Appearance and Performance for An Older Duplex

    By Cador Price-Jones There are 120 million homes in America, and we need to figure out how to retrofit them for the new reality that we live in. We cannot…

  • Green Homes

    An Old House Gets a Superinsulation Retrofit

    What started out as a relatively straightforward re-siding project on this 80-year-old duplex in Arlington, Mass., ultimately evolved into part of an ambitious superinsulation pilot program for the Massachusetts Department…

  • Green Homes

    A Prefab Passive House in Michigan

    This single-family home, nicknamed the “A-Haus,” is the first house in Michigan to be certified by the Passive House Institute U.S. (PHIUS). The striking building is situated on nearly three…

  • Green Homes

    Gut Rehab Creates Office Space With an Apartment Above

    Architect Richard Renner and his wife Janet Friskey, a graphic designer, wanted a commute in downtown Portland, Maine that involved just a flight of stairs. “We jumped at the opportunity…

  • Green Homes

    Connecticut’s First LEED Gold Home

    #An Efficient Design and a Carefully Detailed Envelope Add up to Big Energy Savings Craftsman bungalows are celebrated for being comfortable, practical and carefully crafted from local natural materials. This…

  • Green Homes

    A Thick Cocoon of Cellulose Protects This Superinsulated House

    By Robert Riversong I was hired to design and build a home for a Vermont land owner who wanted a house that would be affordable to build, affordable to live…