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96 Results
  • Green Homes

    Large Connecticut Home is ‘Zero-Energy-Ready’

    Builder Mark Nuzzolo of Brookside Development has energy savings all sewn up at his new development, Singer Village in Derby, Connecticut. The high-performance homes are located on land surrounding the…

  • Green Homes

    California Retrofit Measures Cut Energy Use by 45%

    With help from the local utility, a California builder has turned a foreclosed property into a cutting-edge energy-efficient demonstration home. The Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), the sixth-largest public utility…

  • Green Homes

    A True Net-Zero Gut Rehab, New England-Style

    By Peter Yost and Martin Holladay Before retrofit work began, Jane Bindley's 1978 ranch house on the shore of Squam Lake was an ordinary fiberglass-insulated energy hog. Bindley had a…

  • Green Homes

    Denver Developer Focuses on Zero-Energy Homes

    A Denver-area developer, New Town Builders, is aiming to make all of its new homes zero-energy-ready by the end of 2015. “Our goal is to be 100% U.S. Department of…

  • Green Homes

    Atlanta Historic Retrofit

    Honoring an amazing 100-year context

  • Green Homes

    Connecticut’s First LEED Gold Home

    #An Efficient Design and a Carefully Detailed Envelope Add up to Big Energy Savings Craftsman bungalows are celebrated for being comfortable, practical and carefully crafted from local natural materials. This…

  • Green Homes

    Green Neighborhood in North Carolina

    #Twenty-two homes in a cluster made for walking Eno Commons takes the idea of green homebuilding to another level — the community level. The Durham, North Carolina, project includes 22…

  • Green Homes

    Green Renovation: Same Footprint, Twice the Space

    Originally a small house on a small hill in the heart of Decatur, Georgia, this home grew to meet its owners' needs in an environmentally friendly way with an EarthCraft-certified…

  • Green Homes

    Michigan’s First LEED Platinum Gut-Rehab

    Doug Selby of Meadowlark Builders and Michael Klement of Architectural Resource are experienced at energy-efficient remodeling. Working as a team, Selby and Klement were the first in Michigan to grab…

  • Green Homes

    Weatherization: Low-Cost, High-Return Energy Upgrades

    Each year, Northeast Iowa Community Action Corporation (NEICAC) uses state funding to weatherize about 100 homes. On this 100-year-old two-story home, and others like it, weatherization crews have performed a…