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16 Results
  • Green Homes

    A True Net-Zero Gut Rehab, New England-Style

    By Peter Yost and Martin Holladay Before retrofit work began, Jane Bindley's 1978 ranch house on the shore of Squam Lake was an ordinary fiberglass-insulated energy hog. Bindley had a…

  • Green Homes

    High-Performance Building in a Humid Climate

    A new home in the Southeast demonstrates effective strategies for controlling moisture, creating efficiencies, and ensuring comfort

  • Green Homes

    Making an Old Tract House Sunnier and More Efficient

    In 1983, the Heron was one of five cookie-cutter models offered in Bay Country, a tract housing development in a suburb of Baltimore, Maryland. Perhaps a little ahead of its…

  • Green Homes

    A Pretty Good House in Southern California

    A few years into the housing bust, I started shopping around for a cabin to use as a getaway and vacation rental. I live in San Diego and I set…

  • Green Homes

    A Net-Zero Home in Massachusetts

    Before we met, my clients had spent considerable time researching how to build a net-zero home. They read product literature, studied the economics, understood the benefits, and had a pretty…

  • Green Homes

    Passivhaus on a Budget

    When the time came for Jason and Stephanie Specht to find a builder, they started out with high ideals. They wanted a builder who wouldn’t skimp on the quality of…

  • Green Homes

    A Builder’s Home, Done Right

    Starting with stock plans, a builder prioritized envelope details and made modifications to fit his family and their future

  • Green Homes

    Farmhouse Style Meets Passive House

    **By Daniel Ernst** When my family made the decision to move to Virginia, we agreed that somehow, some way, we would find a home that could comfortably accommodate seven people,…

  • Green Homes

    Accessory Dwelling Unit Design-Build

    A low-carbon, all-electric ADU demonstrates the benefits of small-home living

  • Green Homes

    A Low-Slope Roof in a Cold Climate

    An energy-efficient build on a lean budget uses methods and materials unconventional for the region