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Radiant barrier for tile roof

severaltypesofnerd | Posted in General Questions on

Given a 100 year old Spanish barrel tile roof that must be pulled up to replace rusted nails…. what are the energy upgrade options?

The area has a mild climate, but on the top floor under the tile it gets baking hot. The area also has bird stop requirement, and underlayment must be sealed with mesh or Class A, due to urban wildfire rules. Zone 3C (Marine).

What goes under tile these days for summer heat coming down and winter heat going up?

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  1. Expert Member
    Akos | | #1

    I don't see why a layer of exterior rigid won't work. In your mild climate even something nominal like 1" polyiso would significantly cut heat transfer.

    If you don't want exterior rigid, as long as the underlayment is vapor permeable, you can also insulate the rafter space on the interior with batts.

    If you want even better, go with both exterior rigid and batts.

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