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3M Tape for Air Sealing Drywall

RyanEstrada | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

I’m doing my best to build my own energy efficient house (CZ 3A , almost on the border with 2a) while staying budget-conscious. I initially thought I would hang the drywall myself (I have enough experience to feel confident about that) but contract out the drywall finishing (I have enough experience NOT to feel confident about that). 

There are several rooms where we are planning to have faux wood beams on the ceiling. I would plan the drywall layout so that seams would be covered by the faux beams. My ceiling needs to be air sealed, so I could tape/mud this myself and have my less-than-professional work be covered up. But, I’m thinking I might be able to save time if I skip the tape/mud and use something like 3m 8067 tape to air seal the seams.

In my research I haven’t seen anyone mention this as a possibility, but I can’t see any problem with it. What are your thoughts on whether this would work or not?


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  1. Patrick_OSullivan | | #1

    Depending on the actual total assembly, you might need the joints taped in a method that ensures the drywall layer is rated to an appropriate fire rating. 3M 8067 would not work for that.

    I've used this product, however, for drywall repairs that end up behind things but where I'd still like to preserve the fire rating:

    1. RyanEstrada | | #2

      Thanks--that looks like a good solution! I hadn't considered the fire rating aspect. How well do you think that flame-fighter tape would air seal a ceiling joint?

      From my brief research, it appears that joint compound and drywall tape aren't really that great at fireproofing and that this fire tape is recommended where fireproofing is especially important (garage, e.g.). Mud/tape primarily inhibit fire insofar as they air seal; so, any air sealing tape might do the same.

      The 3M 8067 data sheet does show that it is Class-A fire rated. Another 3M product called 3M™ Fire and Water Barrier Tape looks like it might do the trick too for fire and air sealing. I just need something that I can be sure will not come unstuck and leave a massive gap in my air control layer.

      1. Expert Member
        MALCOLM TAYLOR | | #3


        Does your ceiling need a fire rating?

        1. RyanEstrada | | #5

          We're in a rural area, no code inspections. Most of these rooms where I would tape the ceilings would not be high fire-risk rooms like a utility room or garage. To my uninformed mind, it seems like the ceiling should have a fire rating for safety reasons, but as I say, that is a completely uninformed reflex!

  2. gbcif | | #4

    A roll of paper tape for drywall vs 8067 would make you consider a 10 minute YouTube video on taping and get it done - rough for probably 1/10 the price.

    1. RyanEstrada | | #6

      Yes, it's more expensive than drywall paper tape, but we're talking about maybe $20 of tape for a room. If that lets me avoid the mess of mixing mud and bedding tape on a ceiling then it's well worth it. I have renovated for 15 years so I know how to tape/mud--I just hate it, especially overhead!

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