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Green Building News

740 MW Solar Project Canceled in Nevada

The Chinese-backed solar project would have employed as many as 2,000 people

Nevada already has several utility-scale solar installations. Some of these projects generate electricity from photovoltaic (PV) modules. Others — including the one shown in this photo — are concentrating solar power (CSP) installations that generate electricity with steam turbines.
Image Credit: Global Nevada Corp.

A $5 billion solar project in Nevada with a planned capacity of 740 megawatts has been shelved because there were no buyers for the electricity, a California public television station reports.

KCET said the ENN Mojave Energy project was to have been built on 9,000 acres of county land near Laughlin, Nevada, which is near the California state line. When the plant was proposed in 2011, backers assumed that California utilities under pressure of a renewable energy law would be eager to buy the electricity.

But it turned out utilities could meet their obligations with in-state power, and despite “heated demands” by Nevada Sen. Harry Reid, Nevada’s largest utility didn’t want the power, either, because it had already met its renewable energy goal.

With no willing buyers, the deal collapsed. In addition to the solar power station, the project would have included a million-square-foot solar panel factory, KCET said.


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